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Two senior civil servants to retire, with new permanent secretaries appointed

Two senior civil servants to retire, with new permanent secretaries appointed

Permanent Secretary for Finance Tan Ching Yee (left) and Second Permanent Secretary for Manpower and Trade and Industry Jeffrey Siow will retire on May 1, 2025, and Apr 2, 2025, respectively. (Photo: Public Service Division)

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SINGAPORE: The Public Service Division (PSD) announced on Tuesday (Mar 25) that two permanent secretaries will retire after years in service.

Mr Jeffrey Siow, Second Permanent Secretary (Manpower) and Second Permanent Secretary (Trade and Industry) will retire on Apr 2 after 24 years in the public service.

The 46-year-old began his career at the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and subsequently held appointments at the Public Service Division and the Ministry of Education.

He also served as Principal Private Secretary to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong from 2017 to 2021, and was later appointed as the first managing director and chief operating officer of Enterprise Singapore. In the latter role, he led initiatives to transform Singapore businesses and trade associations, and support small and medium enterprises during the post-COVID-19 recovery.

In January 2024, Mr Siow returned to MOM as Second Permanent Secretary, where he implemented significant policies on foreign manpower, workplace safety and health, and fair employment. 

"His tenure saw the introduction of landmark legislation on workplace discrimination and fair workplace practices," said PSD.

Mr Siow concurrently served as Second Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) since September 2024.

He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2021 in recognition of his contributions to the Public Service.

Mrs Tan Ching Yee, 60, Permanent Secretary (Finance), will retire on May 1 after serving 38 years in the public sector.

She started her career in the public sector in 1986, and has held key appointments in the ministries of trade and industry, education, then-information, communications and the arts, health, and finance.

While she was Permanent Secretary in MOE, she worked on "expanding pathways and options for students in schools and the post-secondary and tertiary sectors, recognition of the teaching profession, and enhancements to pre-school and special needs education," said PSD.

She also led efforts to improve the accessibility, affordability and quality of Singapore’s healthcare system by accelerating the development of new facilities, strengthening the healthcare financing system (including the implementation of MediShield Life), and expanding healthcare manpower development schemes.

In 2016, Mrs Tan was concurrently appointed as Permanent Secretary (Finance) and Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office)(Special Duties).

In recognition of her contributions to the Public Service, Mrs Tan was awarded the Public Service Medal (Gold) in 2008 and the Meritorious Service Medal in 2018.

Minister-in-charge of the Public Service Chan Chun Sing said: "I would like to express my appreciation to Ching Yee and Jeffrey for their important contributions. Ching Yee has provided outstanding leadership at different organisations across the Public Service over many years, and her service to Singapore has been impactful and invaluable. Jeffrey has served with distinction and made a significant impact across a range of postings in his Public Service career."

The PSD media release did not state what Mrs Tan and Mr Siow intend to do next.


From May 1, Mr Lai Chung Han, Permanent Secretary (Development) of the Ministry of Finance will be appointed as Permanent Secretary (Finance), while Mr Chan Heng Kee, Permanent Secretary (Defence), will be appointed concurrently as Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office)(Special Duties).

Mr Stanley Loh Ka Leung will relinquish his appointment as Second Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office)(Special Duties), and will continue to serve as Permanent Secretary (Sustainability and the Environment).

Mr Lai Chung Han, Permanent Secretary (Development) of the Ministry of Finance, will be appointed as Permanent Secretary (Finance). (Photo: Public Service Division)

Mr Lai, 52, has held various command and staff appointments in the course of his military career in the Singapore Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence, such as Deputy Secretary (Policy), Ministry of Defence in 2012 and as Chief of Navy in 2014.

He was appointed as Second Permanent Secretary (Education) and Second Permanent Secretary (Home Affairs) in 2017, and as Permanent Secretary (Education) two years later. In July 2024, he was appointed as Permanent Secretary (Development), Ministry of Finance.

Mr Chan Heng Kee, Permanent Secretary (Defence), will be appointed concurrently as Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office) (Special Duties). (Photo: Public Service Division)

Mr Chan, 56, served in various ministries before his appointment as Deputy Secretary (Development) in PSD, Prime Minister’s Office and concurrently chief executive officer of the Civil Service College in 2006.

He was then appointed as Chief Executive of the Workforce Development Agency in 2008, and Permanent Secretary (Community Development, Youth and Sports) in 2011. From 2012 to 2016, he served as Permanent Secretary (Social and Family Development), and was appointed as Permanent Secretary (Health) in 2016 before he assumed his current appointment as Permanent Secretary (Defence) in 2019.

Mr Stanley Loh Ka Leung, will relinquish his appointment as Second Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office) (Special Duties). He will continue to serve as Permanent Secretary (Sustainability and the Environment). (Photo: Public Service Division)

Mr Loh, 53, held various roles in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, before his appointment as Singapore’s Trade Representative in Taipei in 2007 and as Deputy Secretary (International) in MFA in 2011.

In 2012, he was appointed as Singapore’s Ambassador to China in 2012, and appointed as Second Permanent Secretary (Foreign Affairs), and concurrently Second Permanent Secretary (Social and Family Development) and Second Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office)(Special Duties) in 2019.

Mr Koh was then appointed as Permanent Secretary (Sustainability and the Environment) and redesignated as Permanent Secretary (Development), MFA in 2022, while continuing to serve as Second Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office)(Special Duties).

He relinquished his appointment as Permanent Secretary (Development), MFA in 2023.

Source: CNA/rc(ac)

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